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3 way Belle Saison

I figured it'd be an interesting experiment to use a single yeast pitch across three beers, incrementally changing the style as I go to see how things change.

L-R: Hopped gose, gose, saison.


The initial layout of the base recipe is in Brewfather.

  • 4kg pilsner

  • 1kg wheat malt

  • 500g Munich 1

Pretty straightforward, aiming at pre-boil of 1.048


  • 60m - 10g Hallertau Mittlefrueh

  • 40m - 20g EKG

  • 20m - 20g EKG

  • Hopstand - 20m@80c 17g Nelson Sauvin

Aiming for a gravity of 1.054 I ended up at 1.051


Using Belle Saison, I allowed the yeast to ramp itself up from 18c to around 24c where I kept it steady. Really happy with how this came out; I've read that Belle Saison isn't the most out-there saison strain, but being my first Saison brew I wanted to keep it reasonably simple, and it turned out to be delicious.

The Gose

What next then? Well, after kegging, I used basically the same recipe as above, but slightly adjusted things. For the second brew I went with a Gose using the same grist swapping the wheat out for 2row (I ran out of wheat!), then changed out the Nelson Sauvin with

  • 20g salt

  • 20g coriander seeds

  • 3 Kaffir lime leaves

  • Peel of 1 orange

and pitched straight onto the previous yeast cake. While not as "crisp" as my usual gose, the belgian twist was still really drinkable.

And the not so gose

Finally, I took the Gose recipe from above and changed the hop additions, and dry hopped during fermentation

  • 60m - 10g Warrior

  • Hopstand - 10m @ 70c 6g Azzaca, 6g Idaho7

  • Dryhop - Day 2, 6g Azzaca, 12g Idaho7, 12g Mosaic

And I'll be completely honest - it was a bit of a confused mess. It did get better with age, but the hops really fought with the salt and coriander through the mid-palate, making it an odd one to drink a lot of!



Hopped Gose