So yellow
The initial layout of the recipe is in Brewfather. Very simple, but the Maris Otter really adds to the flavour
5kg 2-row
1kg Maris Otter
600g quick oats
A few handfuls of rice hulls, a pretty smooth mash
30m - 8g Galaxy
30m whirlpool
30m - 50g Galaxy
Ended up around 1.064
This was a late summer brew, and it's been pretty warm, so went with Voss Kveik to let it run in the heat. Dry hopped twice on day 2 and 3
100g Galaxy
92g Galaxy (basically, whatever was left!)
Finished out around 1.012
Was dead-set amazing. I thought going with such a large punch of galaxy would be a bit imbalanced, but this was absolutely outstanding.
So yellow
One of the best I've done so far.