A site to test new code

Verdant NEIPA

The new Lallemand Verdant IPA yeast has been getting some rave reviews - and well deserved. It's very quick, and very tasty. 


The initial layout of the recipe is in Brewfather. First go with the new Verdant IPA yeast (hint - it's great)

  • 2.7kg Pilsner

  • 2kg 2-row

  • 700g wheat malt

  • 500g rolled oats

  • 300g caramel Pils

  • 300g carapils

Slow mash and sparge again, but ended up hitting over at 1.051 while targeting 1.050. Not too bad!


  • 60m - 5g Warrior

30m whirlpool

  • 30m - 10g Azacca, Idaho and Mosaic

  • 20m - 15g Azacca, Idaho and Mosaic

  • 10m - 20g Azacca, Idaho and Mosaic + yeast nutrient

Aiming for a gravity of 1.060 I ended up at 1.062.


19 degrees for the first 3 days, then slowly ramped to 23 over the next 2.

  • Dry Hop day 3 - 40g Azacca, Idaho and Mosaic

Kept at around 2-3psi until the last 24 hours where I let it keep whatever it could, until cold crashing for 2.5 days to carbonate with the captured CO2.

This is on the market now!

And it's super active - fermented under low pressure, still a big krausen.

Plenty hazy